Order samples on Matted.fr
To receive samples, follow these simple steps:
1. Order samples:
- Select the product you are interested in from our catalog .
- Click the ' Get a Sample ' button below the ' Add to Cart ' button to add samples to your cart.
- Complete your sample order through the checkout page.
- Note :
- Each order can include a maximum of 2 samples, and each customer is allowed to place a maximum of one sample order.
- If you have any difficulty ordering the samples, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form .
2. Billing and Reimbursement:
- Samples are free, but you will be charged a shipping fee of €3.90 including tax.
- You will receive a discount code for reimbursement of these fees upon your final order.
3. Use a Discount Code:
- If you have a discount code, enter it when you place your final order for your products to benefit from a discount.
With these simple steps, you can easily order samples on Matted.fr.